Buy your tickets for Bruce Munro online now!

The title isn’t asking you. It is telling you.


In case you have yet to be informed the Hermitage will be hosting  Bruce Munro’s LIGHT this Fall. It will run from October 12th to January 10th. There are dates, times and stuff that are all important, but this isn’t the place for that, this is :


So what does this exhibition look like…glad you asked.


I added a pinkish sky to make it look like twilight. I really think it brings out the autumn colors in the trees, no? The brown line represents the horizon as it fades into a mud flat. genius.

Their PR team might actually read this so, as a precaution, I have included 100% sanctioned images of the exhibit below.


Field of Light 2


Water Towers 2


This kind of awesomeness will be all over the property! Perfect for all ages and more entertaining than anything else in Norfolk from October to January (yeah, I said it).